Brick Breaker ⌜2023⌟

I made Brick Breaker — in about a week — for TCH115, a thinking strategies assignment. When coding this game, I improved heavily on my previous attempts at making a game engine from scratch by learning from my code structuring mistakes. It’s written entirely in Python and can be played in-browser on

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Maze³ ⌜2023⌟

Maze³ is my final project for GPE230, Gameplay Programming Implementation. Maze³ and GPE230 and GPE230 are both the games and classes that made me like using Unreal Engine, despite its instabilities on Linux. It can be downloaded at

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Not Tetris ⌜2022⌟

Not Tetris is my Tetris clone written for CSC235, Python Programming 1. The game is very unfinished, but I gained a lot of knowledge from coding this game. Since the Tetris company is very litigious — and I don’t want my download, or worse, website to be DMCA’d by the Tetris company — I cannot give a link to it.

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