A Tetris Clone

Not Tetris was made in (roughly) 6 weeks, off and on, for an introductory Python class. All the assets, besides the music and 4-line clear, were made by myself. The game is built in Python & Pygame; As well, all the features of this game are made from scratch, only using observations from the Gameboy and NES versions of Tetris.

This game has many downfalls, including that it isn’t finished, but for what it is, I’m quite proud of my performance in the making of this game.


These are some in-development videos of Not Tetris, from the first week of the game to when I submitted it as a final.

GUI Contest Build

This build of Not Tetris won me a tied first-place prize of extra credit points.

Functional Prototype

This was the first build that was “playable.” There are quite a few errors in this build, mostly because I was in a rush to get it submitted.

Final Build

The final build I made of Not Tetris.

Critical Points

While the game is in a good place, it’s ultimately unfinished. There are also a few bugs, namely with the collision detection when rotating.