All Games
Peggle Clone
A recreation of of the classic pachinko-puzzle game Peggle in the Godot game engine
A Tetris clone written in a custom performant Python engine made with Pygame
Collect The Coin
A simple side-scroller built in pygame for a level 2 python class (CSC285)
Long Titled Ninja Game
A defected ninja defends himself from his former clanmates.
Tales From Teren: The Approaching Rot
A visual novel built on ChoiceScript and uses Javascript extensively.
My Final Project for Gameplay Programming Essentials.
Project Wardog
A Ren’py game where you sell to both sides of a war so you can line your pockets with cash.
Brick Breaker
A brick breaker clone made in a week for a Thinking Stratagies class.
Not Tetris
A Tetris clone made in Pygame for an introductory Python class.

Brickout Clone:

Brick Breaker
A brick breaker clone made in a week for a Thinking Stratagies class.

My Final Project for Gameplay Programming Essentials.

Peggle Clone
A recreation of of the classic pachinko-puzzle game Peggle in the Godot game engine
A Tetris clone written in a custom performant Python engine made with Pygame
My Final Project for Gameplay Programming Essentials.
Not Tetris
A Tetris clone made in Pygame for an introductory Python class.

Collect The Coin
A simple side-scroller built in pygame for a level 2 python class (CSC285)
Top-Down Shooter:

Long Titled Ninja Game
A defected ninja defends himself from his former clanmates.
Visual Novel:

Tales From Teren: The Approaching Rot
A visual novel built on ChoiceScript and uses Javascript extensively.
Project Wardog
A Ren’py game where you sell to both sides of a war so you can line your pockets with cash.