
I’m Andrew Long, a Game Programmer interested in lower-level game engine programming. I haven’t worked in the games industry yet, but I have programmed a few games from scratch in Python and Pygame. I’ve done most of my work in Python because it was the one I had the most knowledge of and the first programming language, but Rust quickly replaced it. Unfortunately, I haven’t published any of my Rust projects, but I’ve implemented a parser for Jazz Jackrabbit game files and have experimented with reimplementing the Half-Life client/server DLLs in Rust.

Skill set
  • Rust
  • Python
  • C/C++
  • C#
  • JavaScript
Game Engines:
  • Godot
  • Unity
  • Unreal Engine
Operating Systems:
  • Linux/POSIX
  • Windows

About the site

This site was statically generated using hugo and a custom theme. Because the theme is custom and tested with FireFox, some graphical aspects of this website may not render properly in other browsers… Blame Google.