Profile image of GitHub user Longestboi

Andrew Long

Personal Blog & Portfolio


Peggle Clone
A recreation of of the classic pachinko-puzzle game Peggle in the Godot game engine
A Tetris clone written in a custom performant Python engine made with Pygame
Collect The Coin
A simple side-scroller built in pygame for a level 2 python class (CSC285)
Long Titled Ninja Game
A defected ninja defends himself from his former clanmates.
All Games

Simple Python Text Editor
A simple Python-based text editor built for a Python programming 2 class.
Sndata Converter
This script is designed to extract the debug header section of PS2 game built with the SN Systems toolchain.
All Projects
Blog Posts:

Project 4: Game Programming Essentials
Project 4 goes over Unity concepts like Editor Scripting, Attributes and more…
Project 2: Game Programming Essentials
Project 2 goes over some generic class and file loading concepts…
All Blog Posts